About Me
Javier Rodriguez has worked internationally in the field of personal transformation for over 25 years – as a speaker, facilitator, coach, mentor, therapist, mediator – and is just as curious and inspired today as he was when he ventured out all of those years ago.
As a qualified psychologist with an Licensed Degree in Clinical Psychology, Javier has complemented his degree with studies on Personal Development, Somatic-based Therapy and Transpersonal Psychology. He is a qualified Somatic Experience Therapist and a NARM (Neuro Affective Relational Model) practitioner which supports him in his trauma-healing work. His extensive workshops and group-leader roles have involved the areas of Conscious Communication, Relationship Work and Conflict Mediation.
Javier has consistently been driven by the practical application of his work, working directly with people seeking personal transformation and healing.
Originally from Spain, Javier has lived in Findhorn Scotland since 1991. His vast work experience with The Findhorn Foundation has seen him accompanying the transformative journey of many individuals and groups, enabling them to utilize the golden opportunities arising from their life challenges. His workshops in the UK and in Europe, with their supportive curriculums and skill-based training, have empowered people to become more of an active agent in the unfolding of their own potential.
Javier is truly passionate about exploring the nature of our human condition and the mystery of life itself. His own life is an open inquiry into the process of transformation and the awakening of our human consciousness. When he is not working, he can be found connecting with nature, spending time in silence and contemplation, enjoying meaningful conversations with others, running in the dunes, swimming in the North Sea and expressing himself through making sculptures or dancing.
- Master Degree in Psychology
- Diploma en Clinical Psychology
- Diploma in Industrial Psychology
- Somatic experiencing .
- Narm Therapy (Neuro-affective relational Model) to complex trauma.
- Trauma First Aid .
- Four year training in Gestalt.(Fritz Perls Center Madrid) Personal and Group Therapy
- Process Oriented Psychology (different number of workshops and trainings done over the years in areas of individual, interpersonal and group work )
- The Art of Inquiry with Claus Springbord (a variety of workshops)
- Intensive Training in Non Violent Communication with Marshall Rosenberg
- Supervision training Joan Willmot
- Coaching Training with John Whitmore
- Mentoring (Miranda Macpherson)
- Frameworks coaching process
- Transformation Game facilitator
5 years as Clinical Psychologist in a Rehabilitation Center “Centro Dato”.
6 years working as an Industrial Psychologist in the Human Resource Department of a National Company for Comercial Distribution ( Simago, Madrid ,Spain) and an Insurance Company ( Fenix Mutuo, Spain)
18 years in the Findhorn Foundation .Scotland ( Holistic Educational Center . International Charity ).
Working for the Spiritual and Personal Department
- Responsable for setting up and running programmes for future staff.
- Supporting the Education Department facilitating workshops, courses and trainings
- Providing regular mentoring , coaching and support to individuals moving through a Transformational journey in their lives. Also offering ongoing supervision sessions to groups in different departments.
- Offering Conflict facilitation and meditation
20 years as a self employed basis working as a Therapist and Coach offering one to one support and as a Group facilitator offering courses and workshops by demand.
Contact me
Free 15 minutes consultation
Please send an email or a text to my mobile to make an initial contact.
mobile: +44 7709 920940
I provide face to face sessions and/or online therapy via Skype or Zoom
Sessions needs to be paid in advance to proceed.
(In some special circumstances like young people, unemployed etc we may discuss some possible concessions or rates)
Should you need to cancel an appointment I ask for a minimum of 24 hours notice.
If 24 hours notice is not given, the normal full charge will be made for the missed appointment. I will always try to reschedule sessions if possible.
If you would like more information or to book a workshop, please contact me using the form. Alternatively, you can phone or email me using the details above.